'... Thank you, I am very happy with what you have written about my restaurant ... it is different, especially about the Fish on Fire ... we love your article ... will definitely recommend you to my family and friends ...'

… I wanted an editorial for the local newspaper and actual adverts to promote the property... the copy Niki wrote was an accurate description of the home; it was professionally written, detailed, and descriptive with flare. The article was specially tailored to suit the needs. I was thrilled with the results!
I would definitely recommend her to others …

I have known Niki for many years and have found her knowledge and ability to adapt to changing circumstances her greatest asset. She is able to look at any problem and work out simple fixes. However more importantly she is able to articulate it in language everyone can understand.

'...Thank you so much for the wedding wishes ... it was lovely ... we were very touched by your words ...'
'Niki is a highly skilled professional, who is able to communicate complex ideas and solutions in a form which is understood by all parties. She has deep knowledge of how to achieve the best results, combined with organisational skills that enable her to work effectively.'

‘The article has a different introduction to Tai chi … was happy with the focus on the individual, no matter what fitness level or background … informative background on Tai chi styles … happy to recommend her to others.’

‘The article was an uplifting experience, fun and a ‘jolly’ time to be expected … Niki’s unique style of writing was positive, informative; giving a sense of confidence and encouragement to give it a try … ticks all the boxes for me!’

‘… You make my mouth water just reading the article on the Lighthouse Restaurant … so yummy …’

‘… It makes me feel thoughtful … at peace … (I) like that we laugh at ourselves …’

‘… It didn’t use jargon & explained terms used simply … I feel uplifted & wanting to try Tai Chi.’